Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures is a reality television series about animals and their exciting adventures. This series is hosted by Jack Hanna, Director Emeritus of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. It is shown weekly in syndication across the country on numerous stations and networks.
It is particularly popular in part because of Hanna's mainstream name recognition as an animal expert, but also because the show meets programing criteria for federally mandated educational and informational requirements which all stations must follow. Because of this, some networks air the show five days per week, thus covering all but a half hour of the three-hour E/I mandate.
Each week, host Alex Weber joins your favorite ninjas to get an insider's behind the scenes look at how an obstacle goes from an idea to the ultimate athletic challenge in Crashing The Course.
A landmark series exploring the drugs of choice in different parts of the UK. From Mamba in Wolverhampton to Heroin in Manchester, this series lifts the lid on the narcotic landscape of Britain today.
This 3 part series is presented by the British Art Critic, Andrew Graham-Dixon. He explores the Low Countries of the Netherlands and Belgium and how history has influenced the area's art, architecture and culture. Cloth was used in the area's first expression of art in the making of tapestries going back to the 14 th century. They were the No. 1 luxury item of the day. The Low Countries were well placed geographically for markets for their art.
Viewers go on an incredible journey to the wildest points of the globe, uncovering the connection between the environment, wildlife and human beings of exotic locales. Each week, a new destination is revealed, ranging from Africa to Indochina and the Middle East, as well as many untamed islands around the world.
From the 1920s through the 1960s, America transformed from a young country on the rise into a global superpower. Using digital colorization technology, we present these formative decades as few have seen them, revisiting 50 vibrant years of good times and great despair, technological triumphs and natural disasters, and global villains and national heroes.
Royal Autopsy investigates the cause of death of two of Britain’s most famous monarchs: Queen Elizabeth I and King Charles II, in an entirely new and realistic way. Professor Alice Roberts will bring together a blend of historical and medical expertise and by using contemporaneous accounts and documents piece together how and why these monarchs died.
For the first time in 65 million years, innovative imaging technology enables viewers to see deep inside the body of a dinosaur to reveal the secrets of these ultimate prehistoric survival machines. Combining cinematic photo-real 3d graphics and leading-edge anatomy and paleontology, "Clash of the Dinosaurs" is a four-part special that peels back the skin, muscles and bones to show how they survived in such a violent world.
'Fill in the Blank' is based on the hypothetical psychological theory that the highly materialized life of modern people can be explained with 9 objects in any case. It is a documentary that contains the journey of four K-Pop idols - Oh My Girl's Hyojung, The Boyz's Q, ATEEZ's Wooyoung, and LESSERAFIM's Kim Chaewon - to find nine objects that express and explain themselves.
BBC 1980s Submarine documentary. For the would-be submarine captain it's the moment of truth - three frigates are racing straight towards him at maximum speed. This is the 'Perisher' - the toughest course in the Navy, and reputed to cost one million pounds a man.
Aaron Kaufman is back, and this time, he’s the boss. Redefining the custom car building space, he’s pushing his design abilities to the limits and focusing on vehicle builds driven by passion. Taking on concepts and builds he’s always dreamed of.
Behind every country song is an untold story. Country music super star Luke Bryan explores the hidden depths of Nashville in search of those stories. The series features never-before-seen performances by some of the biggest stars of country music as Luke uncovers the secrets, the hidden inspirations and the personal moments that shaped the music you love.
Jeremy Wade examines and explores some of the planet's largest waterways to understand how exploitation and pollution are contributing to the destruction of rivers that were once the lifeblood of communities.