Freakshow is an American unscripted reality documentary television series from AMC that chronicles the operations of former music producer Todd Ray's Venice Beach Freakshow. The series premiered on February 14, 2013, preceded by the mid-season premiere of Comic Book Men and followed by the series premiere of Immortalized. The show was given a greenlight along with Immortalized on August 16, 2012. It was announced in April 2013 that the series has been renewed for a second season.
Behind the Scenes was a 10-part television miniseries aimed towards 8- to 12-year-olds about various aspects of the arts, that was broadcast on PBS in 1992. The series was executive produced by Alice Stewart Trillin and Jane Garmey, produced and directed by Ellen Hovde and Muffie Meyer, and hosted by Penn & Teller. It was developed to illuminate the creative process underlying the working of artists.
The series was funded by The National Endowment for the Arts, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Bingham Trust and McDonald's.
Reporter Azade Celik and top photographer Pit Wilkens work for a magazine. A plane crash puts the unequal pair on the trail of the news dealer Nielsen. Nielsen offers highly explosive material about planned terrorist actions.
21st Century Serial Killers forensically researches the lives of the killers who can't stop killing, revealing how the grim opportunities, provided by the 21st century, played a part in a number of murders.
Following revelations in 2017 of a secret government program studying UFOs buried deep within the Pentagon, many scientists, academics, and government officials stopped wondering whether UFOs were real and started asking: "what are they?" This journey led them far beyond machines in the sky, taking them down a rabbit hole of alien encounters, near-death experiences, remote viewing, and other seemingly unrelated paranormal phenomena.
In the year that the gas tap in Groningen is finally closed, Andere Tijden (NTR) presents the four-part documentary series The earth is shaking: about the discovery of the gas bubble, the cheering everywhere in the Netherlands, the economic trees that reach the sky and the consequences and aftermath for the residents.
MISSION X tracks down the mysteries that triggered spectacular turning points in our history. Alert minds with the courage to go new and different ways, with ideas and a sense of adventure, created the remarkable turns of events that were responsible for making us what we are today.
The riveting life and times of Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) and his soaring masterpiece "The Divine Comedy" – one of the greatest achievements in the history of Western literature.
Part documentary, part historical drama, this series follows the fortunes of the different members of the Boleyn family, ultimately made notorious for daughter Anne’s marriage to Henry VIII and execution.
Tank Overhaul is a Canadian documentary television program broadcast on the Military Channel starting in 2007. Episodes are filmed at the Isle of Wight Military Museum as well as other organizations specializing in military history vehicle restoration and preservation.
Follow investigators as they dissect complicated relationships between spouses, friends and family members to answer the question: Who felt a love so strong it drove them to kill?
Told through the eyes of over 100 kids across the globe, this docuseries chronicles how children learn to think, speak, move, and love from birth to age five.
Hosted by LisaRaye, Murder in the Thirst explores scandalous and shocking true-crime stories. With stylized recreations of the crimes themselves and interviews with the real-life players involved, the show explores what pushes someone to murder.
An Aussie Goes Bolly was an Australian reality television series which aired on the pay TV channel FOX8 in 2008. The six-part series featured Australian cricket fan Gus Worland following the Australian cricket team during their 2007 tour of India.
The series was a sequel to Worland's 2006 series An Aussie Goes Barmy, and was narrated and produced by Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman, who had been "best mates" with Worland since they attended the same kindergarten in Australia.
During a match in Mumbai, Worland stood up to 47,000 Indian fans who were making racial taunts against Australian player Andrew Symonds.
The series won the Astra Award for best Sports Program on Australian Pay Television
Ocean of Fear: Worst Shark Attack Ever is a television program that launched the 20th anniversary of the Discovery Channel's Shark Week of 2007. It was based around the incident of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis. The show initially aired on July 29, 2007, on the eve of the anniversary of the ship’s sinking in 1945.
The show investigated the shark attacks that occurred when the USS Indianapolis sank. Hundreds of crew that survived were stranded in the water for four days before rescue. In that time many of the survivors endured constant shark attacks. The Discovery Channel hired George H. Burgess, a renowned investigator in shark attacks, to determine, "why the sharks attacked the way they did," and to "investigate the survival strategies of the men in the water, including those who fought the sharks."