First Australians is an Australian historical documentary series produced by Blackfella Films over the course of six years, and first aired in October 2008. The documentary is part of a greater project that further consists of a hard-cover book, a community outreach program and a substantial website featuring over 200 mini-documentaries.
The series chronicles the history of contemporary Australia, from the perspective of its first people, or Aborigines. The series is essentially a synthesis of well documented historical information. It relies heavily on archival documents and interpretations from historians and members of both the Indigenous and European community and leaders. The story begins in 1788 in Sydney, with the arrival of the First Fleet and ends in 1993 with Koiki Mabo's legal challenge to the foundation of Australia.
The series comprises seven episodes in which it explores what unfolded when the oldest living culture in the world was confronted by the British Empire. It explores the lives of particula
Documentary series following the comedian and his long-suffering assistant Bev as they embark upon an ambitious plan to convert a collection of old vehicles into Britain's coolest glamping site
The series follows farming expert and influencer Indy Srinath, aka Indy Officinalis, as she encounters aspiring farmers hoping to make their dreams a reality. From her childhood on a homestead in North Carolina, Indy apprenticed at farms across the country before running a 7-acre mushroom farm and a prominent community garden in downtown Los Angeles.
The story of arguably the most storied, significant and successful conference in the history of men’s college basketball. The documentary series takes a deep dive into the extraordinary history of ACC men’s basketball by exploring the transformative tournament that started in 1954.
Monty Don travels the Islamic world and beyond, from Morocco to India and Iran, in search of paradise gardens, and uncovers the influence they have had back home.
This series reveals recent natural disasters as they happened in real-time through footage captured by eyewitnesses who found themselves in the wrong place at the right time and boldly held up their camera phones to capture the eye of the storm.
Commander Stephen Hawking pilots his space ship, the SS Hawking, on the journey of a lifetime, zooming from black holes to the Big Bang, Saturn to Santa Barbara. After all, why should astronauts have all the fun?
Truth Behind the Moon Landing tests evidence and applies scientific reasoning to conspiracies with the help of former NASA astronaut Leland Melvin, Iraq War veteran and former FBI agent Chad Jenkins, and author Mike Bara.
Experience the excitement of some of the greatest Pop, Rock and Soul artists that aired on The Ed Sullivan Show in one of the most comprehensive collections ever produced.
The pulse-pounding true story of charismatic vigilante Faye Yager, who built a vast underground network that hid hundreds of mothers and children, saving them from the alleged abuse of husbands and fathers when a broken court system would not.
Stacey Dooley is meeting people across the UK who want to unlock mysteries hidden within their genetic code. Working with one of the UK’s leading geneticists, as well as genealogists, social workers and doctors, she uses the very latest DNA technology to reveal lost heritage, track down missing relatives and detect debilitating diseases before it is too late.