Animated YouTube series which explores major historical events and figures. Each episodes focuses on a different topic, although Kings and Generals has made several mini-series based on complex historical events like wars. The series often focuses on warfare and battles, in addition to topic like economic and social history. Different animators have worked on the show throughout its history.
Few countries in South America can boast to have such contrast and variety as Argentina. Diverse habitats such as Patagonia's bleak steppe, soaring Andean snowcaps, vast salt pans, lush rainforest around Iguazu Falls, steamy marshlands of Ibera, and grasslands of the Pampas support an astonishing range of wildlife - from penguins, whales and seals to condors, armadillos and guanacos.
Winston Churchill is renowned as the legendary war leader, inspiring Britain in its finest hour. This series looks at the man behind the legend, bringing you closer to the real Churchill through the eyes of those closest to him.
Rising from the ashes. The race to restore the treasured icon of Gothic architecture after a devastating fire, by the experts fighting to bring it back to life.
Michael Wood argues that the most important and influential British kings were a father, son and grandson who lived over a thousand years ago during the age of the Vikings.
The rise, fall, and improbable resurgence of Ashley Madison, the dating website aimed at marriage cheats. Pioneers in outrageous viral advertising, the company stops at nothing to gain publicity and by 2015 it appears to be on the brink of world domination. Then a team of hackers expose the intimate sexual secrets of millions of members, with devastating consequences. But in the aftermath of the data breach, are the site's adulterous users the only ones with dirty secrets?
A sequel to the BBC's acclaimed Monsoon Railway. A two-part documentary looks at the incredible organisation that is the Bombay Railway, with stories of the people who keep the trains running 24 hours a day, those who survive because of it - and those who die on it.
A challenging and stimulating view of one of history's most enigmatic periods, shining a light on the people and events that shaped the decade while illuminating the trends that helped design our future.