$5 Cover is an online series created by filmmaker Craig Brewer and produced by MTV and is a fictional series created to complement the documentary series "$5 Cover Amplified". The 15-part series debuted in May 2009 and feature artists from the city of Memphis, Tennessee, including Alicja Trout, Clare Grant, Jeff Pope, Amy LaVere, Al Kapone, Valerie June, Jack Oblivian, Brad Postlethwaite of Snowglobe, Muck Sticky, and Ben Nichols of Lucero. Each episode explores living and making rent in the historical, and still very active, Memphis music scene.
The show is described in MTV's official press release:
"$5 Cover is a rough-and-tumble show set in the clubs, all-night cafes and no-tell motels of present-day Memphis. The series follows a cast of young musicians as they fight for love, inspiration, and money to pay the rent."
The show aired on MTV as 30-minute episodes and on MTV.com as short webisodes.
The show aired with a series of companion documentaries called "$5 Cover Amplified".
With the explosion of infographics and big data, maps aren't just about geography anymore. They can tell us all kinds of things about the human experience. National Geographic Channel’s new series "The Big Picture With Kal Penn" is all about finding the unexpected — and sometimes surprising — realities in both the world at large and our own backyard, revealed by crunching the numbers and finding new ways to visualize data. Host and producer Kal Penn is taking viewers on a journey to understand how things like money, sex, food, sports and crime influence our daily lives. Exploring and generating infographics from information banks and data analyses, we investigate different themes through the mapping of new data, the creative visualization of information, and in-depth personal stories with fascinating characters.
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Award-winning journalist Mariana van Zeller investigates new emerging underworlds, including the trade in body parts, hired assassins, sextortion and the smuggling of people across the U.S.-Mexico border, to meet the players and learn the business.
Soon after his birth-mother contacted him for the first time, Gary L. Stewart decided to search for his biological father. His disturbing identity would force Stewart to reconsider everything he thought he knew about himself.
William Miles’s landmark epic documents the early settlement of the Village of Harlem in the 17th century to the specter of urban renewal and redevelopment in the 1970s. The film chronicles the centuries of change and political and artistic expression that has made this complex hamlet the capital of urban America.
A behind the scenes look through the corridors of power in ten of the most opulent and historic royal residences on Earth. We reveal the stories behind the Kings and Queens who lived in these grand homes and uncover the secrets of the architects, engineers and courtiers who brought them to life.
Documenting the genesis and the various stages of writing and production of the TV series "Gomorrah" based on the novel by Roberto Saviano.
A journey to discover the history of Gomorra La Serie, from the first idea to the last days of the set. With the voices of Roberto Saviano, Stefano Sollima, Ivana Lotito and Salvatore Esposito.