The World According to Paris is an American reality documentary television series on Oxygen. The series debuted on June 1, 2011 and ran for one season. Oxygen decided to pass on a second season of the series. The series' eight-week run averaged only 293,000 viewers and a 0.2 rating among adults 18-49, making it Oxygen's least-watched series of 2011.
Terry Jones' Great Map Mystery is a four-part television documentary series first broadcast on BBC Two Wales in 2008 and presented by ex-Python Terry Jones. As described on the BBC's website, "Terry Jones sets out on a series of journeys through Wales following the world's first road atlas: John Ogilby's Britannia, published in 1675."
Nick Hewer and Margaret Mountford explore the impact of immigration in the UK by bringing both sides of the debate together, pairing five Brits who are opposed to immigration with five immigrants.
This is the ultimate chronicle of the largest amphibious invasion in history. The momentous decisions and tragic losses, pitched battles and desperate strategies come alive with extensive footage from both Allied and Axis government vaults and revealing interviews with soldiers, commanders and civilians. Trace the development of D-Day from the initial plans and strategies to the final breakthrough that sent Allied troops roaring to Paris. Follow the strategies of Eisenhower, Montgomery, Marshall and Bradley and the counter-attacks and defenses of their German opponents. See how the heroism and valor of individual men was vital to salvaging success from plans that went awry in the first few minutes. And get an incredible, front-line view of the pitched battles that sent so many men to their grave.
Rachael Ray's Tasty Travels is a television show based on cook Rachael Ray and her travels around the world. However, in this show she is not restricted by a budget and showcases food from more upscale eateries. She tries different types of food from each place she visits, and gives a "Hot List of Values", which includes some of her favorite places visited from $40 a Day. The show airs on the Food Network and is her fourth Food Network program. It first aired on August 26, 2005. She provides voiceovers for most of the show and is shown at only one or two places. Her husband, John Cusimano, usually accompanies her at the one or two restaurants she visits per episode.
Forty-one episodes were produced during the series' first two years; Ray stated on a September 7, 2007 appearance on Late Show with David Letterman that she had just completed work on twenty additional episodes, which had begun airing the previous week.
Money holds power over us — but it doesn't have to. Finance expert Ramit Sethi works with people across the US to help them achieve their richest lives.
Being Dad is an intimate, entertaining and revealing portrait of nine men who are tackling fatherhood, one of the most important roles in the world. Each episode of this new docu-series drops viewers into the lives of three dads who are facing challenges that are simultaneously unique and universal: a single dad re-enters the dating scene; an over-protective dad struggles with his autistic daughter’s growing independence; gay dads deal with the emotional complexities of adoption. While the featured fathers are different ages, races, and religions, they are all bound by the singular belief that raising their children is life’s greatest gift.
Secret Science is a new smart and entertaining series, exploring a range of topics. Learn how men can improve their sperm count, how we can all improve our capacity to learn - as well as ways we can exploit our emotions.
A four-part history series examines relations between Nazi Germany and Finland in the 1930s and 1940s. The series explores how the close relationship between Finland and Germany was born and developed, and what was known in Finland about the Holocaust, the mass extermination of the Jews at a time when the countries were at war together. Through archives and expert interviews, it explores how close Finns were to the Nazi German leadership.