On his toughest journeys yet, Simon Reeve travels through some of the most remote landscapes on Earth in search of the people and the wildlife of the planet’s greatest wildernesses.
The Greco-Persian War was pivotal in the creation of the modern world - yet all that is generally remembered are the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae. This documentary examines the whole history, from the Ionian Revolt (497BC) to the Peace of Callias (449BC), and also covers the legacies of the war - including Democracy.
Documentary following Ireland's Customs teams as they, with the help of the Irish police, try to stop organised smugglers from bringing drugs, cars and even exotic animals into the country.
Really Big Things is a series about massive man-made marvels like big machines, giant telescopes, skyscrapers and other massive structures. It airs on the Discovery Channel, HD Theater and Science Channel. It is now being aired on the UK version of the Discovery Channel in the early slot of 04:40am
Matt Rogers presents the show in a semi-comedy fashion, often giving the viewers the impression he is a maverick with little regard for common sense, although when faced with true danger, such as standing by a dumper truck tipping and cutting the restraining wires on a concrete mat in Season 1, he will "hand over to the professionals" or remove himself from danger.
To celebrate the release of The Hobbit this month, Kerry Shawcross and Chris Demarais, two staff member of Rooster Teeth Productions (the producers of Red vs Blue, Immersion, and Achievement Hunter), will do in six days what took Frodo and Sam three movies to complete. They will walk the 120+ mile journey across New Zealand from the filming location of Hobbiton in Matamata to the filming location of Mount Doom, Mount Ngauruhoe. They will sleep on the ground, cross rivers, and of course, eat Lembas Bread. Documenting the entire journey on video, the two Rooster Teeth staff will prove that one does simply walk into Mordor.
Questions persist about the last night of Mario Biondo, the husband of Spanish TV host Raquel Sánchez Silva. This true-crime series uncovers new details.
The HMS Ark Royal carried the Harrier and 3 types of helicopter during its active service, these included the Lynx which is currently the fastest helicopter in the world and the Sea King, equipped with an early warning radar system.