This documentary series hosted by Alex Fernández, which brings together the best Mexican comedians to talk about humor, its limits, and its relationship with politics, among other topics. The testimonies of Andrés Bustamante, Eugenio Derbez, Sofía Niño and Chumel, among others, combine with humorous archival footage from all eras to discover what makes us Mexicans laugh.
I Love the '80s 3-D is the follow-up to VH1's 1980s nostalgia show I Love the '80s and its sequel I Love the '80s Strikes Back. It premiered October 24, 2005. Like its predecessors, it premiered in one hour installments, each describing the events and trends of a year between 1980 and 1989, two shows per night until Friday, October 28, 2005.
The show is actually in 3D, using a process called ChromaDepth that appears in 3D when using a special pair of ChromaDepth glasses, but the process allows the show to be viewable in normal 2D. The ChromaDepth glasses for the show were available free at Best Buy stores across the United States.
Anna can't remember anything about her past. In this documentary she finds out what happened in her family, why they never talked about it. And what is was like living in 13 different asylum centers. Meanwhile she tries to cope with the hate she gets for being famous and her mental health. When she gets overwhelmed, she goes to LA where she meets her half sister again after 20 years. Anna Nooshin is a Dutch/Iranian influencer from Amsterdam who has 1 million followers on Instagram.
There are over 8000 islands of Australia to choose from and in this three part series, Martin visits 16 of the best. They are a cross section of what island life is all about - islands that express the diversity, the history and the challenges of life on islands Down Under.
Monty Don sets out to discover the true essence of these elegant gardens and what we have taken from them. Armed with his extensive knowledge and passion for all aspects of horticulture, Monty travels through Japan to explore the best gardens the country has to offer. From plants and architecture to new techniques and differing climates, this series is full of rich colour and vibrant landscapes as Monty examines how a mix of history and new innovations are shaping the gardens of Japan today and how they are perceived. Get ready to enter an enticing world, full of enchanting stories, wonderful characters and, of course, beautiful gardens.
Austin Stevens: Snakemaster also known as Austin Stevens: Most Dangerous and Austin Stevens Adventures in some countries, is a regular airing nature series hosted by Austin Stevens that is broadcast on Animal Planet and five. Most of the footage was filmed in HD format with certain episodes featuring sequences of time slice photography.
The series took a five-year hiatus, but was revived in fall of 2008, having started to air on Channel Five and Discovery Canada. The new episodes do not always focus on snakes; several feature other animals such as hyenas, rhinos and niglett bears.
This landmark documentary series explores the most iconic crimes of Australia's colonial history. These are stories of violent murder and gun toting mayhem, foundation tales of those that make and break the law.
From the birth of the Ned Kelly legend to the brutal death of Ben Hall, these pivotal events are shrouded in mystery and folklore. Using archaeology and the latest forensic methods to test the historical evidence, Mike Munro and the team illuminate a fact-based version of our history.