This documentary series hosted by Sarahmée follows daring, determined women’s collectives all over the world as they shake things up to carve out brighter futures.
Ireland's Most Evil Killers delves into the sordid world of some of the most notorious murderers the country has ever seen. The gripping five-part series examines the disturbing cases of five of Ireland's most infamous killers: Joe O'Reilly, Colin Whelan, Catherine Nevin, Charlotte and Linda Mulhall, and Eric Locke.
Reveals the facts behind battles we know barely anything about. Digging deep into the archives and quizzing experts and journalists, this UK series takes the audience through some of the most controversial, covered up and shocking military events of recent times.
Filmed over 18 months, this documentary series goes into the heart of the British Army. Through the eyes of the rank and file and the leaders, it shows the challenges of fighting wars when we are not at war.
Uncovering the hidden lives and experiences of Fred West first three victims his first wife, Rena Costello, her daughter Charmaine and her friend Anne McFall, when he was living in Glasgow in the early 1960s.
A young British couple's dream trip through remote Central America, turns into a chilling nightmare when they are brutally murdered and the trail for their killer goes cold. Four decades later, failed by law enforcement, their family take up the manhunt and make a shocking discovery.
Ashley Ard has been dubbed ‘The Most Hated Woman in Alaska’ after being accused of killing her newborn baby. She pleads not guilty, and her lawyer draws attention to her ex-husband.
Dave Stotts chronicles the dramatic spread of Christianity from its origins in Israel to nearly every region of the world. He travels the globe to tell the 2,000-year story of how the Gospel of Jesus Christ reached the Ends of the Earth.
Ewout Genemans walks with the police in Eindhoven. He gives a close-up view of the work of a policeman and everything that goes with it. How does the police act in certain situations and why? And what is it like as a person behind the uniform to do work that everyone has an opinion about? This is a follow-up series by Bureau Burgwallen, Amsterdam.