Hey Paula is an American reality series starring and co-produced by American television personality Paula Abdul that premiered on June 28, 2007 on the Bravo network. The series is also broadcast in Britain on the ITV2 channel and Arena 105 in Australia.
The life and death of Paula Yates - TV host, writer, and one of the most famous British women of the 1980s and 90s. What does Paula's story tell us about women in the public eye?
Historian Bettany Hughes has embarked on an epic, personal journey. Inspired by Homer's The Odyssey, she will sail the unpredictable Mediterranean seas, tracing Odysseus's long journey home. Her mission: to experience what the Greek hero experienced and to uncover truths behind the myths and legends, all while enjoying the delights of ancient Greece today. Follow her 1,700-mile adventure as it takes her to over a dozen islands and 22 historic sites and puts her through two hair-raising storms and even an earthquake.
Two-part series with intimate interviews with Billy Connolly, providing unique insight into the early influences and motivations that made this comedy legend the man he is today.
The extraordinary story of two New York City detectives who are convicted of a sensational murder, their decades-long fight to clear their names, and the hunt for one of the confessed gunmen who may hold all the answers.
Karl and Chris goon a 3 week trip, where they got to travel through China, Tibet & Nepal with the highlight of reaching Mount Everest base camp. However, their plans fall apart with Chris being hospitalised with severe altitude sickness. Will they succeed with our quest for Everest?
Anthony Bourdain joins The Balvenie to celebrate some of America’s most talented and dedicated craftspeople. From hand-tailored suits to cast iron skillets, Raw Craft is an online film series documenting the lives and works of the committed individuals at the forefront of the American craft movement.
The Living Edens was a Public Broadcasting Service series that began in 1997. Narrators included Peter Coyote and Linda Hunt. Its most recent episode was broadcast in 2003. It was partially funded by Reader's Digest in exchange for various marketing rights. Its state-of-the-art cinematography creates an intimate sense of place and captures a world of wonder, transporting viewers to isolated, undisturbed corners of the globe so pure they remind us of how the ancient world once was.
Sarah Beeny follows families and couples through the highs, lows and laughs as they say goodbye to the city and embark on new lives in the beautiful British Countryside.
A celebration of the life and an exploration of the mysterious death of award-winning Latin superstar Jenni Rivera. Through intimate footage and interviews delving into the still undetermined causes of the horrific 2012 crash of her plane outside Monterrey, Mexico, it provides an in-depth look at the real story and continuing questions behind the accident and events leading up to it.
1984 Channel 4 documentary series surveying the history of New Testament scholarship, giving an overview of the contemporary New Testament scholarship, and finally a tracing of the history of the development of Christianity.
Documentary following emergency patrol teams on the M1 as they face medical problems, fast-lane pile-ups and bad driving on the motorway that connects London and Leeds.