Rock Stars is a documentary/reality television series that follows a team of rock scalers from a slope stabilization/rock remediation company. The series is produced by Echo Entertainment for the National Geographic Channel. Ten episodes have been created so far, the first airing on November 22, 2011.
Everybody is well into the apps, socials, videos, streams and games. All those online tools often seem to be free, but aren't. You not only pay with money, but also with data. How does that actually work? What happens with that data? Jard Struik investigates this.
Take a deep dive into the true-crime stories rocking headlines and social media feeds. These victims were young, the crimes against them were shocking and haunting questions remain.
Documentary series examining the effects of individual bombs that fell during the Blitz, from their initial impact on individual lives right through to their consequences for World War Two and the present day.
Magic Numbers was a British television show in which celebrity contestants answer questions to generate a sequence of 6 numbers. Members of the public then call a Premium-rate telephone number if their home or mobile phone numbers contains two or more of these digits. Callers are entered into a prize draw to win the chance of competing for a prize of up to £350,000.
The show was created by CPL Productions and Paul Brassey and commissioned by John Kaye Cooper at ITV.
The show is very similar to a previous ITV game show, Talking Telephone Numbers, the key difference being that viewers of Magic Numbers can call in if two of the numbers match their phone number, rather than five as on the previous show. This was a technique employed by ITV to generate more calls, and hence higher revenues from the show.
Magic Numbers was hosted by Stephen Mulhern when it aired for one series of seven episodes in 2010.