Fight Girls is an Oxygen original reality television series that spun off from a 2006 special which documented seven female fighters' attempts at winning a championship. The initial special aired on August 7, 2006 and the series premiered June 12, 2007. Fight Girls is produced by Scott Messick and Tom Weber.
Similar in spirit to Spike TV's The Ultimate Fighter, ten female fighters live together and train with a Muay Thai instructor in Las Vegas for six weeks in an effort to fight for a Muay Thai championship in Thailand. The group of women is narrowed down to five via a three round fight between house mates set up by the head trainer. The losing fighter is eliminated from the house and the winner will go to Thailand at the end of the season. The theme song for Fight Girls is "Fingerprints" by Katy Perry.
In this definitive six-part UKTV Original, Gold explores every aspect of Britain's most loved sitcom, Only Fools and Horses. With exclusive access to the key cast members, including Sir David Jason and Nicholas Lyndhurst, the series gives rare insights into the show and what went on both on and off camera. The Story Of Only Fools And Horses reunites cast members, rebuilds some of the sets and features rare and previously unseen material.
James May is not a chef. But that’s the whole point: you don’t need to be a brilliant cook to make delicious food. Transporting us to the Far East, the Med, and the local pub – all from the comfort of a home economist’s kitchen – he’ll knock up delicious recipes that you can actually make yourself, with ingredients you can actually buy. And all without the usual television cooking format trickery.
Transcending the music documentary genre by creating a new lane that merges music, socio-cultural commentary and and intimate family portrait of the Wu-Tang Clan.
To commemorate the first century of American filmmaking, the American Film Institute embarked on a celebration of America's greatest movies from the first 100 years of American cinema — 1896-1996.
Watch the action unfold in this gripping football documentary series, where global icons join local stars to reshape the league in its 2023/2024 season.
A narration of the life of the iconic artist Abdel Halim Hafez and the obstacles he faced, both personally and professionally, when he started his singing career, following his journey from a substitute for singer Karem Mahmoud, to become a recognized star that has his own light and aura.
As sex becomes less of a taboo in the new century, relationships get more diverse, but love is still a complicated thing that tests various couples in this drama.
Explore Ali’s challenges, confrontations, comebacks and triumphs through recordings of his own voice. The two-part documentary paints an intimate portrait of a man who was a beacon of hope for oppressed people around the world and, in his later years, was recognized as a global citizen and a symbol of humanity and understanding.
Ancient Mysteries is a television series that was produced by FilmRoos and originally broadcast on A&E between 7 January 1994 and 3 May 1998 with reruns airing until 2000. Reruns were also re-broadcast on The Biography Channel during the 2000s. The series deals with historical mysteries and is mostly hosted by Leonard Nimoy, which recalls the late-1970s TV Series In Search Of.... As of June 2013, some episodes of this series were available on Netflix instant streaming.