The film tells the story of Luiz Antônio, a clumsy radio host, who unexpectedly finds himself in charge of a bankrupt radio station. Relying only on his passion for rock'n'roll and a crazy team, he creates one of the most emblematic radio stations in the history of Brazilian rock, Fluminense FM. Among guitar solos and radio signal interferences, we follow the adventures misadventures of Luiz.
Unfortunately the movie Turn It Up, It's Rock 'n' Roll is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | L.G. Bayão | Screenplay |
Directing | Tomás Portella | Director |
Production | Renata Magalhães | Producer |
Editing | Marcelo Moraes | Editor |
Camera | André Modugno | Director of Photography |
Production | Diogo Dahl | Producer |
Sound | Paulo Gama | Sound Mixer |
Sound | Valéria Ferro | Sound |
Visual Effects | Marcelo Siqueira | Visual Effects |
Sound | Dado Villa-Lobos | Original Music Composer |
Production | Carlos Diegues | Producer |
Costume & Make-Up | Ana Avelar | Costume Design |
Sound | Renato Calaça | Sound |
Art | Claudio Amaral Peixoto | Art Direction |
Sound | Simone Petrillo | Sound Editor |