Kumiko Hoshizaki’s “Akane Sasu Heya” is the story of Maki, a 20-something temp who is sick of her boring job and life in general. The rather bizarre solution she comes up with is to conceive a child behind her boyfriend’s back. Makoto Nagahisa offers the much more impressionistic “Frog.” The story meanders around a bunch of unrelated characters, using experimental techniques like repeated scenes, hallucinatory visuals, blurred shots and disconnected sounds. Lastly, we have “Bouquet Garni,” a much more conventional work from director Junpei Hatano. The plot is centered on a reporter, the relative of a kidnapping victim, and a woman who is obsessed with the case.
Unfortunately the movie Zero nendai zenkei is not yet available on HBO Max.
Crew | Makoto Nagahisa | Script |
Directing | Kumiko Hoshizaki | Director |
Writing | Makoto Nagahisa | Screenplay |
Directing | Junpei Hatano | Director |
Directing | Makoto Nagahisa | Director |