The story follows Paprika, an American exchange student on a "homestay" in Japan and her friend, Juicy, who have to deal with the arrival of Paprika's obnoxious cousin, Chibiham. Chibiham is determined to have a good time while visiting Japan, but she's oblivious to cultural differences and runs roughshod over the locals - complaining about the food, picking fights with store clerks, and otherwise making a nuisance of herself. Will Juicy's mother be able to set Chibiham straight?
Unfortunately the movie Chibiham, Juicy & Me is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Riki Ohkanda | Original Story |
Writing | Reiko Honjo | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Wataru Yokoi | 3D Modeller |
Writing | Aiko Matsushita | Screenplay |
Crew | Riki Ohkanda | CG Supervisor |
Visual Effects | Katsuyuki Iwasaki | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Yasusi Fukuda | 3D Modeller |
Directing | Riki Ohkanda | Director |
Production | Ryo Nakajima | Producer |
Sound | Hironori Ito | Sound Recordist |