An intriguing Hans Christian Anderson-style fairy tale aesthetic and voice over narration. Sudden Wealth is a despairing chronicle of a group of starving peasants who finally seize governmental wealth like a dysfunctional group of Robin Hood's Merry Men, only to be betrayed by their inescapable selves and systematically dehumanized (think bucolic Orwell) and reprogrammed by what we'll put under the rubric of God and Country.
Unfortunately the movie The Sudden Wealth of the Poor People of Kombach is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Volker Schlöndorff | Writer |
Writing | Margarethe von Trotta | Writer |
Directing | Volker Schlöndorff | Director |
Sound | Klaus Doldinger | Music |
Editing | Claus von Boro | Editor |
Crew | Franz Rath | Cinematography |
Production | Volker Schlöndorff | Producer |