A Japanese tokusatsu kaiju proof-of-concept short film directed by Takeshi Yagi and written by Yagi, Todd Silverstein, and Jordan A. Y. Smith. It is the end result of a tokusatsu film production course taught by Yagi for the online subscription service Narō. Though only about 6 minutes of footage was cut together and shown at Tokyo Comic Con on November 24, 2022, Yagi and his crew intend to put proceeds from course subscriptions toward getting AKARI made as a feature film or television series. It stars the titular Akari, a woman turned giant with alien technology, fighting off a berserk cybernetic monster.
Unfortunately the movie AKARI is not yet available on HBO Max.
Visual Effects | Matt Frank | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Akihiko Iguchi | Character Designer |
Writing | Takeshi Yagi | Writer |
Directing | Takeshi Yagi | Director |
Editing | Niko Lanzuisi | Editor |
Sound | Darin Dahlinger | Music |
Production | Takeshi Yagi | Producer |
Directing | Yûichi Kikuchi | Assistant Director |
Visual Effects | Mad Dog Jones | Visual Development |
Writing | Jordan A. Y. Smith | Writer |
Production | Todd Silverstein | Producer |
Crew | Yoshinori Muraishi | Special Effects |
Writing | Todd Silverstein | Writer |
Crew | Tatsuro Koike | Stunt Coordinator |
Production | Jordan A. Y. Smith | Producer |
Production | Yuki Terai | Production Designer |
Camera | Alexandre Bartholo | Director of Photography |