When a four-man terrorist group known as Team Phantom begins raising havoc in downtown Tokyo, the city is in desperate need of a hero. An unexpected champion appears in the form of Lady Battle Cop, a former female tennis champion who has been transformed into a seemingly unstoppable cyborg.
Unfortunately the movie Lady Battle Cop is not yet available on HBO Max.
Visual Effects | Keita Amemiya | Character Designer |
Directing | Akihisa Okamoto | Director |
Art | Maruo Yasui | Art Direction |
Writing | Junichi Miyashita | Screenplay |
Crew | Koichi Hayashi | Sound Recordist |
Production | Nagafumi Hori | Producer |
Sound | Eiji Kawamura | Original Music Composer |
Lighting | Tadao Isoyama | Lighting Technician |
Editing | Yoshiyuki Abe | Editor |
Camera | Yoshiomi Hori | Director of Photography |