In March 2022, the war between Ukraine and Russia is raging. While Russian troops are at the gates of Kyiv, this documentary films events in a paediatric hospital in Lviv treating the victims of the conflict. A powerful portrait of a doctor’s daily life in wartime.
Unfortunately the movie Lviv - A Hospital in Wartime is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Carl Gierstorfer | Director |
Production | Antje Boehmert | Producer |
Production | Nele Huff | Producer |
Crew | Carl Gierstorfer | Cinematography |
Editing | Ronald Rist | Editor |
Crew | Ute Beutler | Commissioning Editor |
Crew | Dagmar Mielke | Commissioning Editor |
Sound | Stanislaw Milkowski | Sound Mixer |
Sound | Jochen Voerste | Sound Mixer |