Hosted by modern day horror hosts and “queens of darkness” The Boulet Brothers, The Boulet Brothers’ Halfway to Halloween TV Special will be a mid-year variety show celebrating the “Halfway to Halloween” season for fans who just can’t wait until October 31 to get a good dose of the dark side.
Unfortunately the movie The Boulet Brothers' Halfway to Halloween TV Special is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Dracmorda Boulet | Director |
Directing | Swanthula Boulet | Director |
Directing | Michael Varatti | Director |
Directing | Nathan Noyes | Director |
Writing | Swanthula Boulet | Writer |
Writing | Dracmorda Boulet | Writer |
Production | Dracmorda Boulet | Executive Producer |
Production | Swanthula Boulet | Executive Producer |
Production | Emily Gotto | Executive Producer |
Production | Nick Lazo | Executive In Charge Of Production |
Writing | Steve Agee | Writer |
Writing | David Dastmalchian | Writer |
Production | Samuel Zimmerman | Producer |
Production | David Dastmalchian | Co-Producer |
Production | Ian DeVoglaer | Supervising Producer |
Production | KC Lindley | Associate Producer |
Production | Jayla Carter | Production Assistant |
Camera | Brent Bailey | Director of Photography |