Short film directed by Claude Cailloux for the French TV channel TF1 that marked Marion Cotillard's film debut. The adventures of 6-year-old Marion and her dog, narrated by her big sister. Marion decides to wander around Paris with her dog and will discover that a city is not really made for children and dogs.
Unfortunately the movie Le monde des tout-petits is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Claude Cailloux | Director |
Writing | Claude Cailloux | Writer |
Sound | Jean Clace | Music |
Lighting | André Maillard | Electrician |
Editing | Emmanuelle Cailloux | Assistant Editor |
Editing | Béatrice Montlahuc | Editor |
Camera | Pierre Valet | Director of Photography |
Sound | Michel Commo | Sound Mixer |
Sound | Jean Maïni | Sound |