A feature film that focuses on one day in the life of six siblings, rural but americanised, living in Vadodara, all in their 20's. Together they run an online thrift store called DURTY FITS, while each hustles away individually to give some shape and meaning to their life.
Unfortunately the movie It’s All in Your Head is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Jyotsana Rajpurohit | Producer |
Editing | Bonita Rajpurohit | Editor |
Directing | Bonita Rajpurohit | Assistant Director |
Crew | Devankur Sinha | Cinematography |
Crew | Jyotsana Rajpurohit | Cinematography |
Production | Prerna Tripathy | Executive Producer |
Editing | Milan S. Rathod | Color Grading |
Sound | Ketaki Chakradeo | Sound Designer |
Directing | Dhruv Solanki | Director |