Gypo is the story of a working class family in Margate, Kent, a town where immigrants have become the focus of most of the public's discontent. The film tells the story of the a couple of weeks in this family's life, beginning when a young Czech girl, Tash, comes to visit. The film is made in the Dogme95 tradition, so no costumes, no lighting, no props or sets, which gives the film a gritty texture appropriate to the story.
Unfortunately the movie Gypo is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Mark Foligno | Producer |
Production | Barry Bassett | Producer |
Production | James Thomas | Producer |
Production | Elaine Wickham | Executive Producer |
Production | Alex Johnson | Casting |
Production | Steve Milne | Producer |
Sound | Christiane Bjørg Nielsen | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Jacob Kusk | Director of Photography |
Editing | Emma Collins | Editor |
Production | Tamara Syer | Producer |
Production | James O'Donnell | Producer |
Sound | Labrador | Original Music Composer |
Production | Elaine Wickham | Producer |
Writing | Jan Dunn | Author |
Production | Jan Dunn | Executive Producer |
Directing | Jan Dunn | Director |