Antonio, a young man with a modest job in a small town, leads a monotonous existence until he is transferred to Barcelona to work in an architecture studio. From that moment, a new life opens before his eyes. He befriends Lorenzo, one of his classmates. Lorenzo is more experienced than Antonio and shows him a new, more sophisticated life in which Antonio feels out of place. Also, Antonio falls in love with Lorenzo's sister.
Unfortunately the movie Brillante Porvenir is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Vicente Aranda | Director |
Writing | Vicente Aranda | Screenplay |
Writing | Vicente Aranda | Story |
Directing | Román Gubern | Director |
Writing | Román Gubern | Story |
Writing | Román Gubern | Screenplay |
Writing | Víctor Auz | Dialogue |
Writing | Ricardo Bofill | Dialogue |