"99% Lucha" is a documentary that takes us into the fascinating universe of Argentine catch, a sport that goes beyond simple fighting in the ring. Through a purely visual narrative, without interviews or voice-overs, this film captures the essence of camaraderie and sacrifice that characterize the fighters of this sport. We discover that behind the action in the ring there is a community united by a shared passion, where rivalries are only part of the story. This documentary delves into everyday life. Each fighter is a protagonist, and each blow is an expression of his unwavering dedication. "99% Lucha" is a window to a world where 99% effort becomes 100% passion, showing how sacrifice and camaraderie drive your commitment to this exciting sport.
Unfortunately the movie 99% Fight is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Martín Gutiérrez | Director |
Directing | Facundo Carbonelli | Director |
Writing | Facundo Carbonelli | Writer |
Directing | Valentín Álvarez | Director |
Directing | Santiago Leguizamón | Director |
Directing | Sebastián Pascuzzi | Director |
Directing | Malena Schneider | Director |
Directing | Lucía De Marco | Director |
Directing | Tomás Vallejos | Director |
Editing | Facundo Carbonelli | Editor |