In a small country town, a trio of unlikely friends – Percy Boy, Keithy Cobb and Daisy Hawkins – band together to take the local school sports day title from a group of grade five bullies. But as Percy Boy trains with the help of his mates, he then discovers his supernatural ability to see lost souls – a gift passed down from his grandfather. Percy Boy must overcome his fears, prove his resilience and become a force to be reckoned with.
Unfortunately the movie Windcatcher is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Tanith Glynn-Maloney | Director |
Writing | Boyd Quakawoot | Writer |
Production | Cailah Scobie | Executive Producer |
Production | Drew Grove | Producer |
Production | Meg O'Connell | Producer |
Production | Donna Chang | Executive Producer |
Production | Rachel Okine | Executive Producer |
Production | Nathan Lloyd | Casting |
Production | Bernadette O'Mahony | Executive Producer |
Art | Josephine Ford | Production Design |
Art | Colin Robertson | Art Direction |
Production | Naomi Mulholland | Line Producer |
Crew | Meg White | Cinematography |
Sound | Samuel Pankhurst | Music |
Production | Amanda Duthie | Executive Producer |
Editing | Roland Gallois | Editor |
Costume & Make-Up | Deborah Lester | Makeup Artist |
Costume & Make-Up | Ashleigh Stone | Makeup Artist |
Costume & Make-Up | Pam Murphy | Makeup Artist |
Costume & Make-Up | Margie Skeggs | Makeup Artist |