The movie tells the story of Bai Sheng (by Deng Chao), a veteran employee of an Internet company who is forced into a workplace fiasco and decides to join forces with others to break the ice in order to defend his rights, only to be caught up in an even bigger whirlpool of mystery.
Unfortunately the movie To Gather Around is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Xunzimo Liu | Writer |
Writing | 里八神 | Writer |
Writing | Zhang Benyu | Writer |
Writing | Ke Da | Writer |
Directing | Xunzimo Liu | Director |
Sound | Björn Shen | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Tiantian Qian | Director of Photography |
Art | Li Anran | Art Direction |
Costume & Make-Up | Ben Luk Man-Wah | Costume Designer |