The life story of Japan’s greatest leader, Tokugawa Ieyasu, whose shogunate ruled the nation for almost 300 years has never been told like this before. From the early days as a supporter of Imagawa Yoshimoto, then on to his days with Oda Nobunaga, leading to his wars against and ultimate victory over the Toyotomi to become shogun is a fascinating tale of his military genius coupled with a native intelligence that allowed him to become the last of the great warlords and ultimately the leader of the nation. With great performances from an all-star cast featuring names like Kitaoji Kinya and Takahashi Hideki this is history come to life on the screen.
Unfortunately the movie Tokugawa Ieyasu: The Conqueror of Japan is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Toshio Masuda | Director |
Directing | Yoshiharu Nishigaki | Director |
Writing | Seiko Shimura | Screenplay |
Crew | Seiji Abe | Cinematography |
Sound | Seiji Yokoyama | Music |