In this vivid historical drama set in 1980s East Germany, two dockworkers and best friends who dream of escaping the repressive regime are forced to choose their loyalties when the state police promise them safe passage out of the country — if they inform on their co-workers and union leader.
Unfortunately the movie Shores of Hope is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Ronny Schalk | Writer |
Directing | Toke Constantin Hebbeln | Director |
Writing | Toke Constantin Hebbeln | Writer |
Production | Jürgen Schuster | Producer |
Sound | Nic Raine | Music |
Production | Alexander Bickenback | Producer |
Production | Ariane Krampe | Producer |
Production | Nico Hofmann | Producer |
Camera | Felix Novo de Oliveira | Director of Photography |
Editing | Simon Blasi | Editor |
Production | Manuel Bickenbach | Producer |