Shoot, a sharp-tongued young man who despises overly optimistic storylines in TV dramas, finds himself in an ironic twist of fate when he is forced to become a director for “Uncle Vitid,” the owner of a production company specializing in the kind of shows Shoot loathes. Shoot receives help from “Nam,” his girlfriend who owns a hair salon and is a die-hard TV drama enthusiast. Nam steps in to help Shoot create a TV drama that will win Uncle Vitid’s approval. Meanwhile, “Joke,” an older, respected friend, complicates Shoot’s determination, shaking his resolve.
Unfortunately the movie The Cliche is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Chadchawal Wisawabumrungchai | Director |
Writing | Chadchawal Wisawabumrungchai | Screenplay |
Writing | Khomkrit Treewimol | Screenplay |