Eriko Ichimura has an ordinary and unnoticed student life at her high school. Her only joy is to watch popular male student Akira Omi and imagine them being a couple. She writes down those thoughts on her social media account under the name of Lovesick Ellie. Akira Omi seems like a perfect guy, with good looks and gentle personality. One day, she witnesses Akira Omi spouting vulgar language and she realizes he is kind of like a two-faced person. Making things worse, her fantasy thoughts are discovered by him. He thinks that she is funny and he approaches her.
Unfortunately the movie Lovesick Ellie is not yet available on HBO Max.
Crew | Shu Kawashima | Cinematography |
Directing | Koichiro Miki | Director |
Writing | Satoko Okazaki | Writer |
Production | Mari Furubayashi | Producer |
Production | Minori Tabuchi | Producer |