Follows Komugi and Iroha on a new adventure, when they are sucked into the world of the video game Doki Doki Tanukingdom (Thrilling Raccoon-Dogkingdom).
Unfortunately the movie Wonderful Precure! The Movie! Grand Adventure in a Thrilling♡Game World is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Yoichi Kato | Writer |
Visual Effects | Risa Miyadani | Character Designer |
Sound | Erika Fukasawa | Music |
Camera | Kana Sasaki | Director of Photography |
Sound | Miho Sugawara | Sound Director |
Visual Effects | Sayoko Yokoyama | Color Designer |
Directing | Naoki Miyahara | Director |
Sound | Moeha Nochimoto | Songs |
Directing | Takayuki Murakami | Director |
Art | Yoshio Tanioka | Art Direction |
Sound | Chihaya Yoshitake | Songs |
Camera | Yuki Oshima | Director of Photography |
Visual Effects | Daiki Nakazawa | CGI Director |