The extraordinary story of Sanja and Zoran, a couple who in 1993 fled and survived the siege of Sarajevo, the longest war in 20th century history, to find refuge in Italy, in Turin. In their life experience, past and present come together to give voice to friendship and hope, reflecting on war, prejudice, tolerance and acceptance.
Unfortunately the movie Il respiro di Sarajevo is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Fabiana Antonioli | Producer |
Directing | Andrea D'Arrigo | Director |
Directing | Fabiana Antonioli | Director |
Crew | Andrea D'Arrigo | Transcriptions |
Sound | Salvatore Garritano | Music |
Editing | Fabiana Antonioli | Editor |
Art | Carlo Busi | Graphic Designer |
Camera | Fabiana Antonioli | Camera Operator |