A unique and controversial film directed by Umeji Inoue, based on the original story by Shintaro Ishihara, which depicts the image of a group of young people in the agony of mistrust, love and hate with a powerful touch.
Unfortunately the movie Lunar Eclipse is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Umetsugu Inoue | Director |
Camera | Kazumi Iwasa | Director of Photography |
Lighting | Ko Fujibayashi | Lighting Director |
Production | Takiko Mizunoe | Producer |
Sound | Masakazu Kamiya | Recording Supervision |
Art | Tatsumi Kumashiro | Assistant Decorator |
Sound | Tadaosa Ono | Music |
Writing | Shintarō Ishihara | Novel |
Editing | Akira Suzuki | Editor |
Writing | Toshio Masuda | Writer |
Writing | Umetsugu Inoue | Writer |
Art | Takashi Matsuyama | Art Direction |