After her mother's heartbreaking demise, 11 year old Nandhana disrupts the final mourning day rituals by running away with the 'bali pindam', putting on hold the final duty of a child as part of the Hindu traditions. Her cousin, Amit, tries to understand her pain and help her go through this hard period of grief.
Unfortunately the movie Sombre Skies is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Manoj Ajith Panicker | Director |
Writing | Manoj Ajith Panicker | Writer |
Editing | Manoj Ajith Panicker | Editor |
Camera | Charlee | Director of Photography |
Directing | Shan Muhammed | Assistant Director |
Directing | Sandesh Salimraj | Assistant Director |
Editing | Bazim | Colorist |
Sound | Sound Triado | Sound Designer |
Sound | Heavens Media Productions | Sound Recordist |