Twenty-one-year-old Julia had to leave her daughters under the care of a children's shelter house. Five years later, Julia keeps fighting to rebuild her life and get reunited with her daughters.
Unfortunately the movie Roots is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | María de los Ángeles Castro Gurría | Executive Producer |
Editing | Regina López | Editor |
Editing | Eduardo Ramírez | Colorist |
Directing | Max Vázquez Montúfar | Director |
Sound | Daniel Alejandro | Sound Recordist |
Sound | Luis Sánchez | Sound Editor |
Production | Max Vázquez Montúfar | Post Producer |
Sound | Luis Sánchez | Sound Mixer |
Writing | Max Vázquez Montúfar | Screenplay |
Sound | Daniel Alejandro | Sound Mixer |
Camera | Eduardo Ramírez | Director of Photography |
Production | Miranda Casas | Producer |