The film follows a group of Sámi artists from an art collective, Mázejoavku, as they rebel against cultural stereotypes and explore themes of Sámi identity. Soon they are dragged into the Alta Conflict, a turning point in Sámi political and cultural life.
Unfortunately the movie Mii Leat Ain Dás - Vi är Fortfarande Här is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Gunilla Bresky | Director |
Writing | Gunilla Bresky | Writer |
Production | Ken Are Bongo | Executive Producer |
Production | Andreas Emanuelsson | Executive Producer |
Production | Katja Härkönen | Co-Producer |
Production | Aleksander Olai Korsnes | Producer |
Sound | Johan Sara Jr. | Music |
Crew | Ken Are Bongo | Cinematography |
Editing | Fredrik Ydhag | Editor |