Documentary that follows the personal pursuit of Albert (a journalist born in exile in 1962) to rediscover his roots, within a double exile. His father, the Spanish politician Pauline Julien, who became a key figure during the Spanish Transition, was forced by his political exliliarse Franco in the late 50s. Now, after a life full of fascinating personal and political experiences, Jordi has launched a new internal exile, this time no return: fight against Alzheimer's. His memory is fading day by day. This documentary tries to recover the memories of lives atypical in that mix historical figures such as Santiago Carrillo, Jorge Semprun, Manuel Fraga and Jordi Pujol, with little known episodes of the struggle against Franco and the Cold War. For Albert, many of these experiences are fuzzy memories of a child. Travel from one exile to another trying to restore the memory of his family, his own memory.
Unfortunately the movie Bucarest, la memòria perduda is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Albert Solé | Director |