Yamamura (Kenta Kawasaki), who has been an otaku since his school days, tries to hide his hobbies even during his time with youth gangs. One day, he falls in love at first sight with a transfer student, Akiko (Kazusa Okuyama), but it ends in heartbreak. Time passes, and Yamamura, Joji (Takashi Kitadai), and Ishizawa (Hiroto Honda) head to the Yamazaki family's regular meeting.
Unfortunately the movie Unification of Japan Gaiden: Yamazaki Family 7 - Yamazaki's Little Love is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Hiroyuki Tsuji | Director |
Writing | Keiichiro Murata | Screenplay |
Crew | Masakazu Oka | Cinematography |