Set in an apartment building where many people are rumored to disappear one after another, the story begins when Maruko, a young delivery worker, accidentally discovers the secret of a suspicious resident. He and his older colleague Arakawa, who is an aspiring novelist, try to discover the resident's true identity. But in the end, the two got into an unexpected big incident.
Unfortunately the movie That Person Disappeared is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Itaru Mizuno | Director |
Production | Kei Kushiyama | Producer |
Writing | Itaru Mizuno | Screenplay |
Production | Nobuyuki Iinuma | Executive Producer |
Production | Yasutaka Fuke | Executive Producer |
Production | Akiho Katayama | Associate Producer |
Sound | Hidehiro Kawai | Music |
Sound | Miki Nomura | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |