In a vibrant yet dystopian Dubai, aspiring writer Carol struggles with her perfectionism while stuck in a mundane job. Her carefree boyfriend, Nicolas, challenges her high standards, leading to conflicts that heighten her insecurities. With support from her work friend Sara, Carol continues to submit her scripts despite facing rejection. After a major argument with Nicolas and feeling disheartened, she decides to embrace her imperfections and write a new script inspired by her true experiences. Through this journey, Carol discovers the beauty of imperfection and the power of authenticity, ultimately finding empowerment and self-discovery in her flaws.
Unfortunately the movie Everyone has flaws, you just happen to know mine is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Paulo Sloboda | Director |
Writing | Kethy Kist | Writer |
Production | Rajat Sikka | Executive Producer |
Sound | Chico Gregori | Music |
Crew | Paulo Sloboda | Cinematography |
Production | Rosella Age | Line Producer |
Art | Paulo Sloboda | Art Direction |
Costume & Make-Up | Dinara Kyzyngasheva | Makeup Artist |
Sound | Mohamed Kraizim | Sound Recordist |
Camera | Farhan Musthafa | Camera Operator |
Production | Kethy Kist | Casting |