An intimate and informal concert from the King’s private bedchamber in Versaille with Thibaut Roussel and Les Musiciens du Roi. Chapters: Michel-Richard de Lalande Robert de Visée Louis-Antoine Dornel Michel Lambert Jacques Hotteterre Michel Lambert Jean-Baptiste Lully Sébastien Le Camus François Couperin
Unfortunately the movie The King's Bedtime French Baroque Music from Versailles is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Camera Lucida | Producer |
Sound | Les Musiciens du Roi | Orchestrator |
Sound | Thibaut Roussel | Music Director |
Directing | Olivier Simonnet | Director |
Crew | Michel-Richard de Lalande | Compositor |
Crew | Robert de Visée | Compositor |
Crew | Michel Lambert | Compositor |
Crew | Louis-Antoine Dornel | Compositor |
Crew | Jacques Hotteterre | Compositor |
Crew | Jean-Baptiste Lully | Compositor |
Crew | Sébastien Le Camus | Compositor |
Crew | François Couperin | Compositor |