On a scorching summer day in Rio de Janeiro, five impoverished black boys venture out of their favela to peddle peanuts throughout the bustling city. As they navigate the various districts of Rio, they bear witness to a series of unfortunate events and encounters, unfolding a vivid tapestry of urban life in Rio de Janeiro during that period. These true misadventures shed light on the gritty reality of the city, unveiling its vibrant urban tapestry.
Unfortunately the movie Rio, 100 Degrees F. is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Nelson Pereira dos Santos | Director |
Sound | Radamés Gnattali | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Zé Keti | Songs |
Directing | Guido Araújo | Continuity |
Sound | Arlênio de Araújo | Foley |
Crew | Hélio Silva | Cinematography |
Writing | Nelson Pereira dos Santos | Story |
Writing | Nelson Pereira dos Santos | Screenplay |
Editing | Rafael Justo Valverde | Editor |
Sound | Amedeo Riva | Sound |
Art | Julio Romiti | Production Design |
Art | Adrian Samoiloff | Production Design |
Directing | Jece Valadão | Assistant Director |
Production | Olavo Mendonça | Production Manager |
Camera | Ronald Lucas Ribeiro | Assistant Camera |