Ouran Academy is a prestigious school with most students coming from wealthy families. One of the few students who comes from a modest background is Haruhi Fujioka (Haruna Kawaguchi). Through unexpected circumstances, Haruhi Fujioka ends up joining the male "host club," while hiding her gender. Friendship and love grows between Haruhi Fujioka and the male "host club" members.
Unfortunately the movie Ouran High School Host Club is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Satoshi Kan | Director |
Writing | Bisco Hatori | Comic Book |
Writing | Natsuko Ikeda | Screenplay |
Production | Yasuhito Tachibana | Producer |
Production | Hidenori Iyoda | Producer |
Production | Hideki Tashiro | Producer |
Production | Toshiaki Muramatsu | Producer |
Camera | Masahiko Omi | Director of Photography |
Art | Jinei Yang | Production Design |
Editing | Toru Takaike | Editor |
Production | Toshihiro Maeda | Line Producer |
Production | Shunsuke Muramatsu | Executive Producer |
Production | Atsushi Sato | Associate Producer |
Production | Tsuyoshi Sugiyama | Co-Producer |
Production | Hideki Tashiro | Executive Producer |
Production | Keisuke Watanabe | Associate Producer |
Sound | Kyō Nakanishi | Original Music Composer |
Art | Jin Rong Yang | Art Direction |
Costume & Make-Up | Maki Matsuda | Hairstylist |
Costume & Make-Up | Maki Matsuda | Makeup Artist |
Production | Daiko Satô | Production Manager |
Production | Kazuya Yoshikawa | Production Manager |
Directing | Hiroki Shibazaki | First Assistant Director |
Visual Effects | Katsumi Iwata | VFX Artist |
Visual Effects | Misato Torio | VFX Supervisor |
Lighting | Shûji Yokoyama | Gaffer |
Sound | Hirohide Shida | Music Supervisor |