The film tells the story of Blinky Bill’s childhood with his animal friends in the Australian bush. The peace and charm of their existence is shattered by the destruction of their homes by humans. Blinky Bill rallies his friends, in a series of exciting adventures, as they battle to protect their homes from destruction and as he rescues his mother from captivity.
Unfortunately the movie Blinky Bill is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Yoram Gross | Director |
Production | Tim Brooke-Hunt | Executive Producer |
Writing | Dorothy Wall | Novel |
Production | Sandra Gross | Executive Producer |
Sound | Guy Gross | Songs |
Production | Yoram Gross | Producer |
Writing | Yoram Gross | Writer |
Sound | Guy Gross | Music |
Writing | Mattie Porges | Lyricist |
Writing | Leonard Lee | Writer |
Writing | John Palmer | Writer |
Editing | G.Y. Jerzy | Editor |
Editing | Lee Smith | Editor |
Visual Effects | Christopher Minos | Animation |
Writing | John Palmer | Lyricist |