The story of Little Peter and his sister Anneli, who help a May beetle named Mr. Zoomzeman (German: Herr Summsemann) to retrieve his missing sixth leg from the Moon. After a fantastic and dangerous overnight adventure they recover the leg and are returned to their beds at home.
Unfortunately the movie Peterchens Mondfahrt is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Gerdt von Bassewitz | Writer |
Writing | Gerhard F. Hering | Screenplay |
Directing | Gerhard F. Hering | Director |
Sound | Clemens Schmalstich | Music |
Production | Wilhelm Semmelroth | Producer |
Writing | Hein Heckroth | Screenplay |
Editing | Liesgret Schmitt-Klink | Editor |
Art | Hein Heckroth | Set Designer |
Camera | Erhard Spandel | Director of Photography |