As one warm October day unfolds, the sleepy town of Buhl, Idaho will never be the same. A fish farmer finds his crop destroyed, a couple of kids are playing an unusual game in the sun-dappled fields, and after a wild party a sleepless teenager is harboring an awful secret….
Unfortunately the movie Magic Valley is not yet available on HBO Max.
Sound | Steve Damstra II | Music |
Sound | Mads Heldtberg | Music |
Art | Elizabeth Jones | Production Design |
Art | Brian Goodwin | Art Direction |
Costume & Make-Up | Leah Butler | Costume Design |
Costume & Make-Up | Liz Lash | Makeup Department Head |
Costume & Make-Up | Christl Colven | Makeup Artist |
Costume & Make-Up | Christl Colven | Hairstylist |
Directing | Jaffe Zinn | Director |
Art | Grace Yun | Property Master |
Writing | Jaffe Zinn | Screenplay |
Production | Russell Friedenberg | Executive Producer |
Production | Darren Grant | Executive Producer |
Production | Heather Rae | Producer |
Production | Jake Schreier | Associate Producer |
Production | Jon Watts | Associate Producer |
Editing | Jaffe Zinn | Editor |
Editing | Andrew Dickler | Editor |
Crew | Sean Kirby | Cinematography |