A coming-of-age story portrayed as the loss of all youthful illusions. Sixteen-year-old Yoichi dreams of becoming a sailor. His parents are fishmongers, and Yoichi lives together with them and his four siblings in cramped living conditions. His beloved younger sister is given to a wealthy, childless uncle; his best friend moves away; the girl he fell in love with from afar is with someone else: little by little, Yoichi loses all the people that are important to him.
Unfortunately the movie Farewell to Dream is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Yoshiko Kusuda | Writer |
Directing | Keisuke Kinoshita | Director |
Camera | Hiroshi Kusuda | Director of Photography |
Sound | Chūji Kinoshita | Original Music Composer |
Editing | Yoshi Sugihara | Editor |
Production | Kôzô Kubo | Producer |
Art | Takeshi Hoshino | Set Decoration |
Art | Kazue Hirataka | Art Direction |
Costume & Make-Up | Yûji Nagashima | Costume Design |