The first animated adaptation of the popular manga series, this pilot introduces the main characters of "Lupin the Third" with montages, presented through a short frame narrative illustrating a typical gang escape.
Unfortunately the movie Lupin the Third: Pilot Film is not yet available on HBO Max.
Visual Effects | Tsutomu Shibayama | Animation |
Sound | Norio Maeda | Music |
Visual Effects | Yasuo Otsuka | Animation |
Visual Effects | Gisaburō Sugii | Animation |
Directing | Masaaki Osumi | Director |
Writing | Kazuhiko Kato | Original Story |
Visual Effects | Osama Kobayashi | Animation |
Writing | Tsutomu Shibayama | Writer |
Writing | Osamu Kobayashi | Screenplay |
Writing | Gisaburō Sugii | Writer |
Writing | Yasuo Otsuka | Writer |
Production | Yutaka Fujioka | Producer |
Writing | Toshiaki Imaizumi | Writer |
Writing | Jirô Saitô | Writer |