Already deep into a second Cold War, Britain’s Ministry of Defense seeks a game-changing weapon. Programmer Vincent McCarthy unwittingly provides an answer in The Machine, a super-strong human cyborg. When a programming bug causes the prototype to decimate his lab, McCarthy takes his obsessive efforts underground, far away from inquisitive eyes.
Unfortunately the movie The Machine is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Caradog W. James | Director |
Production | Manuel Puro | Casting |
Production | John Giwa-Amu | Producer |
Costume & Make-Up | Chrissie Pegg | Costume Design |
Camera | Nicolai Brüel | Director of Photography |
Writing | Caradog W. James | Writer |
Editing | Matt Platts-Mills | Editor |
Art | Erik Rehl | Production Design |
Sound | Tom Raybould | Original Music Composer |
Art | Jamie MacWilliam | Art Direction |
Crew | David Anders | Stunts |